Family Law Lawyer Contra Costa County, CA 
A Contra Costa County, CA family law lawyer from The Law Offices of Ariel Brownell knows the legal responsibilities of married couples. You have said “I do” and celebrated your decision to wed your spouse. Now it is time to begin your married life in earnest. The transition from single life to married life is often riddled with practical concerns. How will you organize two lives’ worth of stuff under the same roof? How will you split time with loved ones at the holidays? Why have you never noticed that your spouse is biologically incapable from squeezing the bottom of the toothpaste tube? All of these practical concerns are likely taking up a great deal of your time and energy right now. But it is important to set a little time aside in order to get your legal “house” in order as well, especially when hoping to avoid a future divorce.
You may be unaware of the ways in which you and your spouse are now tied together legally, but a family law lawyer in Contra Costa County, California can help. You may be unsure of exactly what legal steps you should be taking in light of your new rights and responsibilities as a married person. If this is the case, please do not fret. Simply schedule a consultation with our firm and we can walk you through the “legal side” of this new phase of life. Speaking with an attorney does not compel you to take any action. But doing so will help to ensure that your decisions are informed and that you can achieve greater peace of mind in regards to your legal affairs moving forward.
The Legal Realities of Being a Newlywed
Do not take for granted that your relationship will override existing legal and financial documentation. If you have designated someone other than your spouse to serve as power of attorney in the event that something happens to you, decide whether you want to update that designation. Similarly, if someone other than your spouse is listed as a beneficiary on insurance policies, financial accounts, or estate planning documents, make explicit changes as necessary. It will be difficult for your spouse to override legally enforceable documentation if you do not make these changes intentionally.
The legal realities of being a newlywed are not often discussed in American culture. These are likely just a few of the considerations that a family law lawyer Contra Costa County CA residents trust has compiled discussing legal items you will need to act upon in the wake of your new relationship status.
Legal Guidance Is Available
If you are engaged or are newly married and have questions about your legal rights and responsibilities as a newly married person, please consider scheduling a consultation with a Contra Costa County, CA family law lawyer. Getting married is an overwhelming process. But you do not have to navigate the legal side of this transition alone. Working with an experienced family law lawyer will help to ensure that you begin your married life on solid legal footing and that you make solid legal decisions related to your relationship moving forward.
Once an attorney learns about your relationship, your financial status and your goals for the future, you can receive specific, personalized, and knowledgeable guidance about what legal steps you may benefit from taking now and in the near future. Please consider scheduling a consultation at your earliest possible convenience. There is no time like the present to take necessary legal action in order to secure a healthier, more stable future with your partner. Contact a Contra Costa County, CA family law lawyer from The Law Offices of Ariel Brownell now.