• The attorneys and staff at the Law Office of Ariel Brownell are committed to an inclusive and diverse workplace and is a recognized leader in seeking and promoting diversity. We recognize that a diversity of ideas, backgrounds, and experiences is crucial to fulfilling this commitment. The firm remains committed to recruiting and supporting diverse candidates.
  • We recognize that a diverse team makes us stronger and more effective. We will continue to have an open, fair, and inclusive workplace.
  • The firm shall strive to be as diverse as the communities and clients that it serves. We shall also strive to provide all our team members with the opportunity to achieve their full and best potential.
  • The firm shall:
    • Create and maintain an environment of respect for all lawyers and staff.
    • Maintain programs to support and mentor diversity.
    • Arrange professional and networking opportunities designed to meet the needs of our diverse lawyers and staff.
    • Work to ensure the rate of retention and advancement of lawyers and staff of diverse backgrounds.

“Implicit Association Tests” (IATs) can tap those hidden, or automatic, stereotypes and prejudices that circumvent conscious control. Project Implicit—a collaborative research effort between researchers at Harvard University, the University of Virginia, and University of Washington—offers dozens of such tests.

Take a test here to check your implicit bias: Implicit.Harvard.Edu